smart work places: top 5 benefits

Smart Workplace: Top 5 Benefits

Have you ever heard the phrase – “Work Smart, Not Hard”? Smart working has transformed the infrastructure of modern workplaces. A smart workplace is an organisational model that uses technology to enhance the social, collaborative and analytical capabilities of the employees. It’s about making the traditional infrastructure more employee-friendly with an eye towards productivity. Before

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save lacs with inventory management system

How to Save Lacs with Inventory Management Software?

Inventory management plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your company has optimal stock to run smoothly while cutting back on inventory costs. Once you master the art of inventory management, the expertise can translate to significant savings, potentially saving lacs of rupees for your company. Take it easy! You are not alone. Inventory management

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planned preventive maintenance

Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM): A Comprehensive Guide

Have you heard the phrase – an early bird dodges costly repair? Preventive maintenance refers to the proactive upkeep of equipment and building premises to prevent major disruptions. It’s a simple strategy of fixing things before they break. Planned preventive maintenance is pivotal for extending asset lifespan and stitching the holes in your pocket. It

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future of CAFM

What’s the Future of CAFM?

Computer-aided facility management or CAFM apps/software is reinforcing FM with IT tools and technology. In this day and age, CAFM is all about the storage and supply of facility information digitally. Some of its remarkable features include the integration of IoT and sensors, cloud-based storage, reporting and analytics and smart building technologies. Companies are switching

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