import postman collection

How to use Postman Collection for 3rd Party API

Factech is integrated System where 3rd Party System can use Factech API to fetch records as per need or vice versa.

Below example explain step by step how Postman Collection can be used to fetch details from API

1.  Import Collection in Postman

For example you would have received, postman collection url from Factech similar to below:

Open Postman app Go to Collection and click on Import -> add collection URL Refer below screenshot

import postman collection

2. Add host, site-id, username, password

Once collection imported. Add host, site-id, username and password against imported collection in variable tab. Save the same.

3. Run the API

Select the API to run then click on Send.

run factech api in postman

Using API directly

To use API directly – we need to use URL after replacing host and site-id and setting request Headers which can be get from postman console

Click on console in bottom left and click on the API initiated in step 3 above. You will see complete headers, use Request headers (Authorization)

get direct api headers from postman


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