digital transformation

3 Phase Building Digital Transformation Approach

What is Digital Transformation of Building As per Wikipedia:  “Digital transformation (DX) is the adoption of digital technology by a company. Common reasons for its implementation are to improve efficiency, value or innovation.“ Nowadays there is a lot of buzz about integrating digital technology in facility management to change how we operate and deliver value to the

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hvac maintenance to improve WELL score of building

Save Energy Consumption of HVAC with Predictive Maintenance

Growing economic activities are important for a country’s growth. Commercial Buildings infrastructure is critical for any business environment development, which further boosts the economy. Energy efficiency becomes very important for efficient business operations in a building. Air Conditioning System plays a critical role in delighting commercial building users. Whether it is a shopping center, corporate

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Smart Buildings with CAFM CMMS System IoT AI

Smart facility is the key to achieve green building objective

Why Green Building Movement Whether you want to admit it or not, at some point, everyone will have to follow the green movement. Buildings are responsible for nearly 30% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, reducing energy demand in buildings also represents the most cost-effective way to tackle climate change and better buildings can

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disel generator efficency by factech kaizen cafm

What is DG | Measure Your DG Efficiency | Factech

What is DG Efficiency DG Efficiency stands for Distributed Generation Efficiency. Fuel is the major portion of diesel Genset, owning and operating cost for power applications. Modern diesel plant, at its near-optimal loading ( 65- 70%) generate 3.3 to 3.5 kWh per litre. That is a 30% fuel efficiency ratio. Why measure DG Efficiency? Whether

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