digital facility management

Why is Facility Management Software Required?

Let’s face it- FM is not often talked about but only the managers know how chaotic and dramatic it can be. It’s like a complex puzzle whose pieces are scattered everywhere- vendor management, occupant comfort, space utilization, complaint handling, and whatnot! However, you’re in for a treat! Technology has revamped the way we breathe and facility management is no exception. You can always leverage efficient FM software to take it up a notch.

In this blog, we delve into the practical and strategic reasons why facility management software has become an indispensable tool for modern businesses. Let’s get started.

Do we really Need Facility Management Software?

Now that’s a billion-dollar question! Is it though? Because the answer is a resounding yes. Let’s shed some light on the advantages of digital facility management software to appreciate its significance.

1. All Your Data in One Place

centralized FM

You can now access and manage all your data in one place. FM software provides a centralized platform to store all essential data accessible with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to all the countless paperwork, emails, spreadsheets and worst of all: tenant complaints flooding your inbox!

FM completely eliminates the need for manual data entry and silly human errors. You just have to enter directly into the software or import it from locally stored databases. Be it a maintenance schedule, tenant requests or equipment details, get it from a single source of truth.

Know more: Can multiple site Facility operations be managed live and centrally?

2. Collaborate From Anywhere Anytime

You can access the software and retrieve information whenever you like. If are authorized, you don’t have to depend on anyone else. Whether it’s the maintenance team needing equipment specifications or the finance department requiring cost data, everyone can access the necessary information without delays or confusion.

And the best part? You can set up automated notifications for maintenance tasks or work deadlines. With such real-time updates, your team can proactively address issues. This enhances occupant comfort and keeps your facility well-oiled.

3. Manage Your Assets Better

You can take asset management up a level through facility management software. How come? Let’s see.

a.) Automate Workflows Using FM Software

Instead of relying on manual processes and paper-based systems, FM software streamlines the entire maintenance process. With automated workflows, you can assign maintenance tasks to the right person at the right time.

Wait, there’s more!  This software tracks asset maintenance activities. This ensures adherence to the predefined schedules and saves costs by dodging major equipment breakdowns.

b.) Preventive Maintenance Using FM Software


As discussed in the preceding sections, FM software automatically generates work orders for routine inspections and maintenance tasks based on predefined criteria. This helps in reducing the likelihood of equipment failure or unexpected downtime. With timely preventive maintenance, organizations can minimize disruptions, improve reliability, and ultimately increase operational efficiency.

Read more : Preventive Maintenance Checklist

3. No More Idle Spaces

You can now create a highly productive work environment with your limited resources. Here’s how-

a.) Analyzing Floor Plans with FM Software

FM space utilization

Facility management software provides a visual representation of floor plans. This helps identify underutilized areas or spaces that could be repurposed to better suit the organization’s needs.

You can start considering workstation rearrangement! Furthermore, you can track occupancy rates and traffic patterns within different facility areas. Such data reveals peak usage times, low occupancy areas etc.

b.) Managing Room Reservations with FM Software

FM software also helps you manage room reservations and desk assignments. Yes, your job as a facility manager is now going to be a breeze. Employees can easily book meeting rooms or request desk assignments through the software.  

4. Manage Your Vendors Better

vendor management using FM

With a digital FM system, you can maintain a centralized vendor database, track service contracts, and monitor performance metrics. Scroll down for a better understanding.

a.) Centralized Vendor Database Using FM Software

This vendor database stores vendors’ contact details, contract terms, certifications, and performance history. Having all such records in one place helps you enhance vendor relationships. You no longer need to sift through emails or paper documents, saving time and reducing errors.

b.) Contract Management Using FM Software

In addition, you can easily track and manage service contracts. This software helps you record contract details, including start and end dates, terms and conditions. You can get automated notifications about contract renewal and stay at the top of your game.

c.) Performance Evaluation Using FM Software

CMMS helps in monitoring vendor performance through various metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). This allows you to assess vendor reliability, responsiveness, and the quality of their services.

Read More: CMMS in Facility Management

5. Analyze and Report in Real Time

With customized reports and dashboards, you can stay abreast of the updates and trends in performance metrics. These metrics include maintenance costs, energy consumption and space utilization among others.

Real-time reporting also facilitates proactive measures. You can spot emerging issues and address potential bottlenecks before they escalate. This ability to generate comprehensive reports and access analytics empowers continuous improvement in performance.

8 Key Characteristics of Smart Facility Management

Final Words

Summing it up, good FM software helps streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive organizational success. From centralizing data, and optimizing maintenance to providing real-time reporting and analytics, this software has your back.

In a nutshell, facility management software is the key to unlocking operational efficiency and ensuring smooth facility operations in the modern business world. You’re in for a treat as we provide state-of-art FM software. If you want to know more about us and our services, let’s catch up!

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