Keeping track of your allocated budget vs expenses through single dashboard

Keeping track of your allocated budget vs expenses Keeping track of all the finances for operating a site with or within the allocated budget can be stressful at times. Especially during the lockdown times when physical presence for verification is tough, there must be an easy way that keeps all of your budget heads up

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Smart office reception- new style statement?

Smart office reception The impression of a place starts with it’s front-end and reception is at the front-most. How about planning it a bit more seriously than just putting shiny pieces of artefacts, Pictures on walls, luxurious sofas and a charming good-natured receptionist? So, lets start with an idea that is evolving at a very

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Wondering How to Conduct a Survey in your Society?

Democracy is undoubtedly the secret component necessary to build a happy community. While residents appreciate the tireless hours of hard work that their Managing Committee invests towards the effective and efficient functioning of their community; they would surely want to be heard before anything else. One of the major pain points of all the Management

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